Our Vision

Why community?

We are in a time of great transformation on our planet. A new time of universal consciousness has begun, a time of co-creation with Spirit for bringing about the New. Darkness is being brought to light. Old structures are being reshaped and aligned with Spirit. We join together in community to love, serve, and remember. We join together in community to the benefit of all.

The seed of community was planted at Wild Grace over a decade ago when several families moved onto adjacent undeveloped land. Now it is growing as something both social and sacred with the intent to weave our lives together more intimately and co-create conscious community. A vision for community was received in the summer of 2020 and nine people came together, including two kindred souls living in Brazil, to live that vision. We call our community adventure Wild Grace Community.

At the center of each of our lives is deep listening to Spirit which takes many expressions for us. We draw from many inspirational teachers and teachings including Yogananda, A Course of Love, Choose Only Love, A Course in Miracles, Thomas Huebl, Terry Patten and The New Republic of the Heart, Tara Brach, Jack Kornfield, and soul activist Francis Weller. Many community members have had years of experience of living in intentional spiritual community, most notably Ananda Village.

We join in community to realize our potential.

With open hearts we practice different ways of creating compassionate union and relationship, staying fluid and discovering what works best. We are blessed to have each other as we learn to be more authentic and mindful. And we are willing to embrace the messiness that sometimes arises with transformation.

We learn to listen deeply in profound and catalytic ways. We listen to the whispers of our individual and collective souls and the soul of Earth. We listen to what is emerging through each of us and the Earth. With humility we do not rush to interpret. We listen to what is being unveiled, step by step. We re-evaluate. This is our deep and continual practice. We make use of structure but seek to hold it neither too tightly nor too loosely.

We embrace both the transcendental and human aspects of the Divine.

We deepen our capacity to be intelligently, feelingly, and bodily (mind, heart, and gut) present to the paradoxical nature of existence. As our personal and collective suffering is held in a communal container it opens us to the flow of grace. We are deepened as we embrace both grief and gratitude. We practice loving kindness and tenderness in response to our own and others’ suffering.

Wondering what it takes to become a member of the Wild Grace Community? Check this page here:

⌘ Membership Process